Hangover Hell.
I don’t know why I wake up every day between 7 and 8 am. No matter how much I drink, no matter how late I’m up, I’m always up early.
This morning I was still drunk when I awoke and decided to post all of my pics from last night on myspace, after thinking I had cleaned them up a bit. The progression of the night was apparent in the pictures, the first being a tame, cute pic of The Matty and I… the last being myself choked by an Amanda and another appearance by the barefooted nasty dancing couple…
After getting a bite to eat and reviewing some of my picture comment approvals that I had pending I looked over the album again and said to myself “Jejus, Justin…” and delete, delete, delete. I’m sure everyone involved will be glad to know I did NO tagging in this album.
I kissed a girl on a dare and said “Ew there’s no facial hair!” and laughed like a little asian school girl. That was the first girl I have kissed in 11 years and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.
On another note, DUNDERBRAIN! will be welcoming a couple contributing authors soon, so keep an I out for their material popping up soon! Check out the film strip from last night. This is AFTER taking out a good 20 pictures or so of drunken tomfoolery.
Ha! I saw the photos before you sobered up! Looks like it was a good night out…. Hmmm, I’m a bit thrown by the advertising which seems to be offereing me asian girls for love or marriage. Targeted advertising?
lol do you NEED an asian girl for love or marriage? I don’t think anybody ever clicks those damn things anyway. I think I get paid like .02 cents per click or something anyway.