Just a school of fish.

It has been exactly 30 days since my last blog. THIRTY MOTHER FUCKING DAYS. Did you miss me? Well, as far as “pruning periods” go folks I’ve been chopped back to a stub with this one. Everything in my life has changed, turned upside down if you will. I’m 27 years old. I’ve started a new career. I’ve just left a 4-year relationship. The question is… Where do I go now? Dating again after not dating for a prime 4-year period of your life is shit-ass-suck-pussy. Things change DRAMATICALLY pre and post major relationship. Before you have that first one, […]

Final Breakup VII

Recently I’ve learned a lot of important lessons.  Many of these lessons include social interaction but mainly they’ve been lessons in how to think.  After watching “What the Bleep Do We Know?” I have been making a conscious effort to turn my thoughts around.  When I have a negative thought, I counter it with a positive thought.  Lately this has been very important in my life considering my unsavory relationship-related circumstances.  There’s so much you really start to see when you wipe the negativity-cobwebs from your eyes…   One thing that has become very clear to me is breaking up […]